Tuesday 14 January 2014

Scratch Card Idea

One piece of feedback I received from Lorraine was that the audience would need to be made aware somehow of the fact that the zines I am creating are meant to be comical and mocking of the comments as opposed to being taken seriously.

I had the idea to create a sleeve for the zine, displaying some text that would give the reader an idea of the fact that this isn't something to be taken seriously.

My idea came from a Treehouse of Horror episode in the Simpsons, where the family is abducted by Aliens and Lisa finds a book called 'How to Cook for Forty Humans'. The whole gag is that dust is making the title of the book seem incriminating. Dust obviously won't work for me, and so I have decided that I will hide certain parts of the text by using the scratch card effect used on lottery tickets.

This is the DIY way to create a scratch card effect.

The text I am using is 'this zine is filled with ill informed, ill considered comments from unintelligent gamers whose opinions are totally invalid.' Ill, ill, un and in are the parts that will be hidden until the reader scratches it off.Typeface Experimentation 

I have decided to use the pixelated typeface above as it relates most closely to gaming. The black parts are where the scratch card paint will be placed. 


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