Thursday 16 January 2014

Boyzzz Club Finished Zines

The Zines

The zines have now been folded and work as mini publications. The cut and paste versions were photocopied onto baby blue paper as a gender signifier in the same way that feminist zines are often pink or purple in colour. The front cover indicates that there is a bonus poster, which can be found when the reader opens up the zine and turns the A3 paper over. Each poster relates to the content of the issue, and the posters are inspired by the comments but have not used comments that I found online, whereas the actual zine content is all based on internet comments. I have packaged the zine and the scratch card in a small plastic bag to act as a protective cover.

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Scratch Card

(The Scratch Card effect has now been turned into an actual scratch card as opposed to a cover for the zine. I could say that this was intentional, in reality I got the measurements wrong during printing and decided afterwards that they worked better as scratch cards anyway. It makes it more obvious to the audience that the silver parts can be scratched out in this format, so happy accident!)

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