Friday 10 January 2014

Dissertation Bibliography

Cassell, J. and Jenkins, H eds., 2000. From Barbie to Mortal Kombat. Massachusetts: MIT Press

Denzin, N., 1995. The Cinematic Society: The Voyeur's Gaze. London: Sage Publications

Donovan, J., 2012. Feminist Theory: The Intellectual Traditions . 4th ed. London: Continuum.

Gauntlett, D., 2008. Media, Gender and Identity. 2nd ed. Oxon: Routledge

Greenfield, P.M, Subrahmanyam, K., 2000. Computer Games for Girls: What Makes Them Play?. In: J. Cassell. H. Jenkins,  ed. 2000. From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games. Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp.46-71. 

Herbst, C., 2004. Lara's Lethal and Loaded Mission In: Inness, S.A. ed. 2004. Action Chicks: New Images of Women in Popular Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Inness, S.A., ed., 2004. Action Chicks: New Images of Tough Women in Popular Culture. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillian.

Mcdonald, M., 2003. Representing Women: Myths of Femininity in the Popular Media. 2nd ed. London: Hodder Arnold 

McEnany, L., 2000. An Interview with Lee McEnany (Sega). In: J. Cassell., Jenkins, H (eds). 2000. From Barbie to Mortal Kombat: Gender and Computer Games. Massachusetts: MIT Press. pp.192-212. 

Mulvey, L., 2009. Visual and Other Pleasures. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave MacMillan

Soanes, C., Stevenson, A. (eds.) (2009) The Oxford Dictionary of English. 2nd Ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Walter, N., 2010. The New Feminism. 4th ed. St Ivers: Little, Brown.

Online Documents
Adams, E.W. 2012. A Call to Arms for Decent Men. Jezebel [blog] 9 May Available at: <> [Last accessed 12 November 2013]

BAFTA, 2012. The Bafta Career Pathways Survey [pdf] BAFTA. Available at: <> [Accessed 19 December 2013]

Bailenson, J., Fox, J., Tricase, L., 2013. The embodiment of sexualized virtual selves: The Proteus effect and experiences of self-objectification via avatars, Computers in Human Behaviour [online] Available at:<> [Accessed 16 December 2013]

Borderlands Wiki, 2012. Borderlands 2. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 January 2014]

Burch, A. 2013. In Defense Of Arbitrary Diversity. Hey Ash Whatcha Playin'? [blog] 21 September Available at: <> [Last Accessed 12 November 2013]

Davis, J. (2004) Toby Gard: Let the Battle Begin. The Independent. 
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Dietz, T.L, 1998. An Examination of Violence and Gender Role Portrayals in Video Games: Implications for Gender Socialisation and Aggressive Behaviour [pdf] Univeristy of Central Florida. Available at: <‎> [Accessed 10 January 2014]

Entertainment Software Association, 2013. Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry.[pdf] Washington, Entertainment Software Association. Available at<> [Accessed 27 October 2013]

Feminist Frequency, 2013. Full IGN Interview with Anita Sarkeesian. [online] Available at: <> [Last accessed 29 October 2013]

Forbes, 2012. The One-Sided Problem of Oversexualisation in Video Games. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 January 2014]

Giant Bomb, 2012. When Passions Flare, Lines are Crossed [Updated] . [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 January 2014].

Gordon, E.V. 2012. No Shame in your Game. Rookie Mag [blog] 13 September Available at: <> [Last Accessed 12 November 2013]

Internet Advertising Bureau, 2011. Gaming Britain: A Nation United by Digital Play. [pdf] London: Internet Advertising Bureau. Available at: <> [Accessed 27th October 2013]

Jansz, J. Martis, R.G. 2007. The Lara Phenomenon: Powerful Female Characters in Video Games [online] Available at:<>

Harrison, K. Martins, N. Ratan, R. Williams, D.C. 2009. A Content Analysis of Female Body Imagery in Video Games[online] Available at: <>

Kamen, M., 2013. A Diversity Challenge for Developers, Game blog, [blog] 14 April. Available at:<> [Accessed 12 November 2013]

Lejacq, Y., 2013.  Tomb Raider writer Rhianna Pratchett on why every kill can't be the first and why she hoped to make Lara Croft. Kill Screen Daily [blog] 20 March. Available at <> [Accessed 12 November 2013]

Linz, D., Mahood, C., Yao, M.Z., 2010. Sexual Priming, Gender Stereotyping, and Likelihood to Sexually Harass: Examining the Cognitive Effects of Playing a Sexually-Explicit Video Game, Sex Roles, [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 16th December 2013]

MacDonald, K. 2012. Are Gamer's Really Sexist? Games Blog [blog] 6 March Available at: <> [Last Accessed 12 November 2013] 

Mass Effect Wiki, 2012. Mass Effect 3. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 January 2014]

Mikula, M. 2003. Gender and Video Games: the political valency of Lara Croft. [Online PDF] Sydney: University of Technology. Available at:<> [19 November 2013]

Mou, Y. Peng, W., 2009. Gender and Racial Stereotypes in Popular Video Games [online] Available at:<>

Parmar, B. 2013. Why does the games industry have such a problem with female protagonists? The Women's Blog [blog] 12 June. Available at: <> [Last accessed 12 November 2013]

Pearson, D., 2013. Hothead Rants Pt 3: Anna Anthropy. Games Industry International, [blog] 4 April. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 November 2013].

Petit, C., 2013. Fear of a Woman Warrior. Gamespot, [blog] 22 February. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 November 2013]

Phipps, J. Stuarts, K., 2013. Tech Weekly Special: Women in Games - Breaking the Boys Tech Weekly Blog, [blog] 18 April. Available at: <> [Accessed 12 November 2013]

Pollitt, K., 1991. Hers; The Smurfette Principle The New York Times, [online] 7 April. Available at: <>[Accessed 31 December 2013]

Reddy. S., 2012. 'Grrrls' can make it in the video games industry too. The Telegraph Online, [online] 6 December. Available at: <> [Last accessed 9 November 2013]

Sarkeesian, A (2013) femfreq [Twitter] 10th June 2013. Available from: <> [16th January 2014].

Schleiner, A.M. , 2001. Does Lara Croft wear Fake Polygons? Gender and Gender Role Subversion in Computer Adventure Games. Leonardo, [online] Available at:<> [Accessed 19 December 2013]

Stuart, K. 2011. Game Changers: The Women Who Make Video Games. Games [blog] 8 December Available at: <> [Accessed 12 November 2013]

The Independent Games Developers Association, 2014. UK Video Games Industry. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 January 2014]

The Mary Sue, 2012. Inclusion: What Jennifer Hepler's Story is all About. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 9 January 2014]

Tomb Raider Wiki, 2013. Tomb Raider (2013). [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 10 January 2014]

Walker, J., 2013. Misogyny, Sexism and Why RPS Isn't Shutting Up, Rock Paper Shotgun [blog]  6 April. Available at: <>[Accessed 12 November 2013].

Feminist Frequency. 2013. Damsel in Distress: Part 3 - Tropes Vs Women in Video Games. [online] [Accessed 21st October 2013] Available at:<>

Feminist Frequency. 2013. Damsel in Distress: Part 2 - Tropes Vs Women in Video Games [online] [Accessed 21st October 2013] Available from <>

Feminist Frequency. 2013. Damsels in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes Vs Women in Video Games. [Online]. [Accessed 20th October 2013]. Available from:<>

HAWPOfficial, 2013. Unfinished Business (Finale Part 1) - Hey Ash Whatcha Playin? . [video online] Available at:  <> [Accessed 12 November 2013]

HAWPOfficial, 2013. Taken to School (Finale Part 2) - Hey Ash Whatcha Playin?. [video online] Available at: <> [Accessed 12 November 2013]

TEDxTalks, 2012. Anita Sarkeesian at TEDxWomen 2012, TEDxWomen 2012. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 October 2013]

2K Games. (2012) Borderlands 2 [DISC] Xbox 360. Berkshire: 2K Games

EA. (2012) Mass Effect 3 [DISC] Xbox 360. Geneva: EA Games

Square Enix. (2013) Tomb Raider [DISC] Xbox 360. London: Square Enix, Ltd. 

Television Broadcast
How Video Games Changed the World. (2013) Channel 4. 30th November. 21:00

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