Thursday 16 January 2014

OUGD601 Module Evaluation

At the beginning of the module I was overwhelmed by the prospect of this research project. Previously I have lacked confidence in my academic writing skills and ability to research thoroughly. I feel that with this module I have now developed my skills within this area to the extent that I am handing in my research project with some confidence in what I have written and produced. I have applied my research skills throughout the written project, which has strengthened my writing by allowing me to make statements that are backed up with empirical evidence. My research was also helped greatly by the fact that there are numerous research documents and books related to the subjects of gender and computer games, which increased my sense of motivation and ability to write more thoroughly about the subject. 

For the practical part of this research project, I have developed my skills in creating more craft based outcomes, as opposed to relying solely on a computer to complete this work. With the zines I have created, it was done using the cut and paste aesthetic. I sourced images and comments online to use in the zine, then cut out the images and text and laid everything out before placing it into the zine. I felt more engaged in the creation of this project because of this, and it also made me more aware of mistakes and parts that needed developing as I was looking at it as it would look if printed. I also enjoyed creating the zines as it allowed for more creative freedom and less order in terms of the designs. Everything is very informal, but it was important for it to be this way so that it could appear as authentic as possible. I also used a photocopier to complete this project instead of using digital printing, again to increase the sense of authenticity and the effect of the cut and paste. In terms of time management, this was also useful as it meant I wasn't having to scan all the pages in separately, compile the publication and then print it. I have also explored craft further through my use of the scratch card effect that can be seen in my final piece. This was created after advice from Lorraine that I needed a way to inform the audience of the concept. The scratch card is a not so subtle and humorous dig at the commenters that are featured in the publication, and included me using another DIY style of working.

The tone of voice I have used in my writing is a strength that I can identify within my written work, as well as my practical to some extent. In the extended essay, I feel that I have been able to communicate clearly and effectively. I feel like the writing flows well and that I have been able to discuss and explore my research whilst retaining a sense of balance in my argument. 
The tone of voice in my practical can be evidence through the scratch card created which ensures that the audience understand that the zine is supposed to mock the online commenters, not support them. I also feel my concept for practical, whilst not completely synthesised with my written work, still relates to what I have discussed and is an informed piece of design. 
My time management in this project was also a strength. I was able to complete both the written and practical sides of this project with enough time to spare to ensure I had everything in order, as well as having enough time to print and bind everything. I stayed relatively organised and on top of the project as I was determined not to panic, which is hopefully reflected in my work. I also feel I now have a better understanding of critical theory which can be applied to my design practice in the future. 

I regret that my thesis lacks primary research, as I did not feel that it was suitable for my essay when there was such a wealth of existing research in the area I was studying that would allow for strengthened arguments. If I had attempted to conduct such research myself, it would have been unsuccessful and completed with significantly lower quality and depth, and so I avoided it. Looking back, however, I could have tried to interview people within the gaming industry to add perspective to the essay. I also feel that the topic I have explored within this project could also be a weakness, as it does not relate to my design practice. I chose it because it is a subject I am interested in, but it made it difficult to come up with a practical concept that I could relate to graphic design. This could affect my ability to create more deeply informed graphic design work in the future due to ignoring my interests specifically in this field. In the future I would be more conscious of this and choose something of interest within this field. 

If there was a next time, I would ensure that I included or at least explored the potential of using primary research within the written piece so that my written work could include more perspectives and strengthen my arguments. I would also choose a topic more closely related to my practice to ensure that my entire project was synthesised and could provide me with a deeper understanding of graphic design. Although I was pleased with my time management, I would definitely have more consideration for the practical part of this project and begin work on this earlier so that I could create a larger quantity of work and improve its quality. I would also take more advantage of the academic facilities that are provided within college, in particular the library and its staff, as I'm sure they could have offered help and insights into my work that would have aided me. 

5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor

Attendance 3

Punctuality 4

Motivation 4

Commitment 4

Quantity of work produced 3

Quality of work produced 3

Boyzzz Club Finished Zines

The Zines

The zines have now been folded and work as mini publications. The cut and paste versions were photocopied onto baby blue paper as a gender signifier in the same way that feminist zines are often pink or purple in colour. The front cover indicates that there is a bonus poster, which can be found when the reader opens up the zine and turns the A3 paper over. Each poster relates to the content of the issue, and the posters are inspired by the comments but have not used comments that I found online, whereas the actual zine content is all based on internet comments. I have packaged the zine and the scratch card in a small plastic bag to act as a protective cover.

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Scratch Card

(The Scratch Card effect has now been turned into an actual scratch card as opposed to a cover for the zine. I could say that this was intentional, in reality I got the measurements wrong during printing and decided afterwards that they worked better as scratch cards anyway. It makes it more obvious to the audience that the silver parts can be scratched out in this format, so happy accident!)

Boyzzz Club Zine Development: Issue 4

The developed cut and paste version to be photocopied.

Boyzzz Club Zine Development: Issue 3

The new cut and paste version of the zine to be photocopied. 

Boyzzz Club Zine Development: Issue 2

The developed cut and paste version to be photocopied.

Boyzzz Club Zine Development: Issue 1

 The developed cut and paste issue to be photocopied.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Practical: Image Links

White Knight Zine

Women in Gaming Zine

Female Characters Zine

Lancelot White Knight Poster

Anita Sarkeesian Zine

Women in Gaming Poster all images and info taken from

Anita Sarkeesian Poster

Female Gamers Poster

Drawings only