Thursday 19 December 2013

Practical Element: Ideas

Having spoken with Lorraine about my practical project and having given it a lot of thought over these past few days, these are the main ideas that I have for the project.

Idea 1: Points of View Style Video that uses sourced internet comments about women in gaming. Executed in a comical, mocking way to highlight the ridiculousness of the comments found.

Idea 2: A publication that in a similar vein, mocks and highlights the ridiculousness of insults and comments about women in gaming. Executed using only typography to make a simple, bold statement.

Idea 3: A series of zines based on the comments, created as an opposer to riot grrrl zines of the past. The comments would be placed alongside suitable imagery and would again be designed to mock and highlight how shocking the comments are placed in a real life context.

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