Sunday 27 October 2013

Internet Advertising Bureau UK Gaming Britain

This is a link to the Internet Advertising Bureau's digital booklet which shows data on the gaming habit of the UK. Although not as detailed as the report created by The ESA in America, it does offer information of game playing between the genders, which is again a very interesting read.

Both this report and the ESA report both show that game players are in a majority, and that it is a past time that continues to grow in popularity and become more and more mainstream. Both reports also found interesting data on women gamers, with a very close percentage split. Of course, this is reporting not only on video games, but also includes the use of mobile and internet gaming. However, this still means that a female audience is engaging with gaming at a level almost equal to males, and I wonder if the gaming industry is properly catering to this audience. Internet Advertising Bureau, 2011. Gaming Britain: A Nation United by Digital Play. [pdf] London: Internet Advertising Bureau. Available at: <> [Accessed 27th October 2013].

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