Sunday 27 October 2013

Entertainment Software Association Essential Facts 2013

This is a link to a pdf of data found by the Entertainment Software Association in America about game players and the video game industry. I thought that this would be a useful piece of information to have, as I was trying to find a solid number that would tell me how many females are playing video games, amongst other facts that relate to this extended essay. Of course, with this being data based only on America it can't give me a complete insight into video gaming in western culture.

“ No other sector has experienced the same explosive growth as the computer and video game industry. Our creative publishers and talented workforce continue to accelerate advancement and pioneer new
products that push boundaries and unlock entertainment experiences. These innovations in turn drive enhanced player connectivity, fuel demand for products, and encourage the progression of an expanding and diversified consumer base.”
 — Michael D. Gallagher, president and CEO, Entertainment Software Association

Facts found from this
58% of Americans play video games

The average age of game players is 30. 
32% under 18
32% 18-35
36% 36+ years

Gender of Game Players
55% Male 45% Female

Women 18 or older represent a significantly greater portion of the game-playing population (31%) than boys age 17 or younger (19%).

Of the most frequent game purchasers, 54% are male and 46% are female

Entertainment Software Association, 2013. Essential Facts About the Computer and Video Game Industry.[pdf] Washington, Entertainment Software Association. Available at< [Accessed 27 October 2013].

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